Ipswich & District Photographic Society
© Reserved - None of the images on this site are in the public domain
Each member of IDPS reserves the copyright to his/her images - they may not be downloaded or used for any purpose whatsoever.
Each season there are five monthly competitions
for Prints and Projected Digital Images.
There are separate classes for Intermediate (which
includes beginners) and Advanced members .
For each class there are set subject and open
sections. for which trophies are awarded.
Members may enter one set subject image and
two open images in each competition.
Images are judged by external (EAF listed) judges.
New members should seek advice from David
Robinson or Matthew Clarke to check whether
they should enter the Intermediate or Advanced
classes or email dpicompsec@idps.org.uk.
Rules and Entry Forms may be viewed and
downloaded from the Downloads page.
Print labels may be obtained from the Print Score
All full, country and junior members may enter the
competitions - associate members are not eligible
to enter.
There is an annual “Image of the Year”
Competition for the Peter Miller Trophy and a
member voted Print and DPI of the Year.
There are annual DPI competitions for the George
Farthing Trophy (Landscape), Steeds Cup (set of
eight) and the Nacton Cup (set of 5 on a theme).
There is an annual print competition for the Barry
Freeman Trophy (Landscape)
There are annual competitions for panels of prints,
Roslyn Cup (three open), Clover Cup (six colour),
and the Holbrook Trophy (six monochome).
Winning Set of Images from the 2023 Picture Trail
by Alison Hance
2023 Annual Exhibition - Cup Winners